Reviewed by Brianna Beehler
Women run away from ruinous temptations, patriarchal confinements, sexual violence, rape.
a journal of research & art
Reviewed by Brianna Beehler
Women run away from ruinous temptations, patriarchal confinements, sexual violence, rape.
Reviewed by Anne Milano Appel
Why would a man firmly rooted in the literary world of his time never write a word of his own? This is the question Daniele Del Giudice’s debut novel Lo stadio di Wimbledon sets out to answer.
Reviewed by Abraham Boxhoorn
The book highlights NATO’s template for multi-domain operations (MDO) and the complex Alliance-wide multi-domain integration (MDI), an integration of both non-military and military instruments into one single strategy.
Reviewed by Henry Carey
Ludmila Isurin considers three processes of collective memory construction, including the deliberate or subconscious reorientation of accepted historical facts, different interpretations of the causes of past conflicts, and the understanding of who should be blamed for these conflicts.
Reviewed by Stephen Milder
How two competing ideas about the relationship between energy use and economic growth have influenced politics and society.
Reviewed by Jane Freeland
Cold War tensions infiltrated the minutiae of life in divided Germany. Women’s rights in the family were not marginal issues but were pivotal to the construction of East and West Germany.
Reviewed by Sophia Kalashnikova Horowitz
The book addresses major historiographical questions, including that on the relationship between the purges of 1937-1938 and the Great Patriotic War, the transition away from Stalinism, and the nature of de-Stalinization, based on newly opened political police archives from across the former Soviet space.
Reviewed by Julie Sedivy
Encountering the world’s lesser-known languages reveals radically unfamiliar modes of expressing human experiences.