Issue 31 | January 2020

“Free Speech Defenses and the Far Right: The Cases of Tommy Robinson, Geert Wilders and Milo Yiannopoulos” by William Allchorn
“On the Problem of Reactionary Nonsense at the Bottom of the Web” byMarc Tuters
“Far-Right Media Ecology in Norway” by Sindre Bangstad
“To Explain, to Understand, or to Tell the Gilets Jaunes?” by Benjamin Tainturier
“Post-Imperial Permutations of the Hong Kong Protests” by Robert Kramm
“Taking Stock of the Explanatory Power of Ideas” by Christina Zuber
“Reviewing Māori Migration: Greg Semu and the Imperial Gaze” by Jenny Barnett
“European Integration Theory and Brexit – A Fairytale no Longer?” by Diogo Magalhaes
Sponsored Research
Visual Art
Nation and Loyalty in a German-Polish Borderland: Upper Silesia, 1848—1960 reviewed by Brian Gebhart
A Specter Haunting Europe: The Myth of Judeo-Bolshevism reviewed byChristoph Dieckmann
The Fire Now: Anti-Racist Scholarship in Times of Explicit Racial Violence reviewed by Maboula Soumahoro
Welfare and the Great Recession: A Comparative Study reviewed by Anton Hemerijck
New Approaches to Translation, Conflict and Memory. Narratives of the Spanish Civil War and the Dictatorship reviewed by José Luis Fernández Castillo
Campus Spotlight: University of Amsterdam
“European Studies at the University of Amsterdam: Lectures in English, Seminars in English or Dutch” by Carlos Reijnen
“The Unfinished History of Europe: An interview with Robin de Bruin” by Louie Dean Valencia-García
“Syllabus: European Integration” by Claske Vos and Robin de Bruin
“Syllabus: Economic and Legal Integration of Europe” by P.W. Zuidhof
“Syllabus: Race, Rights, and Humanity in European History” by Boyd van Dijk
Open Campus
Dispatch: “Building Sustainability through Collaboration: The Trillium Inter-institutional Workshop on Teaching Sustainability” by Christopher Paul, Tirupapuliyar Damodaran, Noelle Wyman Roth, Laurell Malone, and Charlotte Clark
CES-Sponsored Student Research: “More than Memory: Jewish Museums in Eastern Europe” by Madison Jackson
CES-Sponsored Student Research: “Women in Red: Femininity and Womanhood in the Soviet Union” by Shayna Vayser
Campus Monthly Round-Up
Editor’s Picks
The Mysterious Affair at Olivetti: IBM, the CIA, and the Cold War Conspiracy to Shut down Production of the World’s First Desktop Computer by Meryle Secrest
Regimes of Inequality: The Political Economy of Health and Wealth by Julia Lynch
1989: A Global History of Eastern Europe by James Mark, Bogdan C. Iacob, Tobias Rupprecht, and Ljubica Spaskovska
Precarious Hope Migration and the Limits of Belonging in Turkeyby Ayşe Parla,
Black Metaphors: How Modern Racism Emerged from Medieval Race-Thinking by Cord J. Whitaker
Analytische Rechtsphilosophie edited by by Felix Koch, Amir Mohseni, David Schweikard