Issue 27 | May 2019

A Special Feature: Confronting Waste
“Waste in Literature and Culture: Aesthetics, Form, and Ethics” by Susan Morrison
“Colonial Ideologies of Waste: Implications for Land and Life” by James Wilkes and Myra Hird
“Radioactive Waste Challenge for European Integration and Enlargement: Soviet Nuclear Legacy in Central and Eastern Europe After 1989” by Tatiana Kasperski
“The Multiple Ontologies of Surplus Food” by Megan Blake
“Europe Has E-Waste Problems: Exporting to Africa Isn’t one of Them” by Josh Lepawsky
“From Throwaway Society to Circular Economy: Solution or Comforting Illusion?” by Willi Haas
“Brokers in the Fight Against Waste” by Isabelle Hajek
“Textile Recycling in Victorian Literature: An Interview with Deborah Wynne” by Hélène B. Ducros
“Approaching Waste through Environmental History: An Interview with Thomas Le Roux” by Hélène B. Ducros
Visual Art
The Human Planet: How We Created the Anthropocene, reviewed by Jill Schneiderman
A Certain Idea of France: The Life of Charles de Gaulle & La guerre civile en France, 1958-1962, reviewed by Hugh McDonnell
State of Madness: Psychiatry, Literature, and Dissent After Stalin, reviewed by Rebecca Reich
European Disintegration: A Search for Explanation, reviewed by Sartirios Zartaloudis
The Daily
Editor’s Pick
Europe, China, and the Limits of Normative Power by Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy
Spain at War: Society, Culture, and Mobilization, 1936-44 edited by James Matthews
De la poubelle au musée, une anthropologie des restes by Octave Debary