Issue 37 | November 2020

A Special Feature on Rurality in Europe
“Whither the Rural? Reflections on Rural Landscapes in Late-Capitalist Crete” by Aris Anagnostopoulos
“The Agrarian Reform in Italy: Historical Analysis and Impact on Access to Land and Social Class Composition” by Angela Cacciarru
“Reclaiming Rural Skills: Crafts from the European Countryside in the Global Market” by Corinne Geering
“Changing Ruralities in Germany” by Gesine Tuitjer
“Immigration to Rural Communities in Europe: A Necessary Evil or a Transformative Social Process?” by Ruth McAreavey
“The Urban-Rural Divide in Political Attitudes in the Netherlands” by Twan Huijsmans
“Environment, Landscape, and Place in the Windfarm-Tourism ‘Conflict’” by Tom Mordue et al.
“Where Are the Women in ‘Empty Spain’?” by Jeremy MacClancy
“Of Feminazis and False Accusations: Vox, ‘Gender Ideology,’ and Backlash in Rural Spain” by Victoria Brown
“Peasantry and Rural Social Movements in Twenty-First-Century Turkey” by José Duarte Medeiros Ribeiro
“Creative Economy, Policy, and the Pandemic in Scotland’s Island Communities ” by SiĂşn Carden
A Roundtable on Changing Agriculture in Rural Europe
Introduction by Hélène B. Ducros
“The Common Agricultural Policy: An Overview” by Wyn Grant
“With the Grain: Food Sovereignty in Europe in the Age of COVID-19” by Elizabeth Jones
“Bottle Revolution: The Emerging Importance of the Wine Industry in South Moravia” by Michaela and Arielle DeSoucey
“Practicing Regenerative Design in Greece” by Evy Vourlides
Visual Art
Book Reviews
Britain’s Rural Muslims: Rethinking Integration, reviewed by John Bowen
Food Values in Europe, reviewed by Tracey Heatherington
Pure Filth: Ethics, Politics, and Religion in Early French Farce, reviewed by Bruce Hayes
Wireless Dada: Telegraphic Poetics in the Avant-Garde, reviewed by Michael Subialka
Secularism, Islam and Public Intellectuals in Contemporary France, reviewed by Mohamed Amine Brahimi
Campus Spotlight:Â Maastricht University
Introduction by Hélène B. Ducros
“European Integration after Maastricht: Insights, Novel Research Agendas, and the Challenge of Real-World Impact” by Neculai-Cristian Surubaru, Caterina di Fazio, Miriam Urlings, Catalina Goanta, Thales Bertaglia, and Mathieu Segers
“Indirect Interventions: Teaching at the Intersection of Problem Based Learning and Skills Courses” by Marisa Mori
“From Engineering Student to Teacher in European Studies: Making the Most of Both Worlds” by Marie Labussière
“Teaching Europe in the Birth Place of the European Union: An Interview with Patrick Bijsmans” by Hélène B. Ducros
“Thesis Trajectories and Defenses in Times of COVID-19” by Christine Neuhold
“State of the Union and Speaking Europe: An Interview with Mathieu Segers” by Eline Schmeets and Akudo McGee
“European Studies at Maastricht University: Problem-Based, Interdisciplinary, and International” by Elissaveta Radulova
“Understanding the Rise of the Far Right: The Need for a Historical Approach” by Pablo del Hierro
“Syllabus: Ruling Europe: The Making and Unmaking of Political Orders since the French Revolution” by Camilo Erlichman
´ˇĚýRoundtable on Maastricht University Student Research
Introduction by Patrick Bijsmans
“Post-Political Populism as the Elephant in the Room: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Greta Thunberg’s Public Speeches on Climate Change” by Dominik Schmidt
“Women “Going Native” During the Early Victorian Age: The Case of Lady Hester Lucy Stanhope (1776 – 1839)” by Johanna Hvalic
“Delegating, but How? A Comparison between the EU and the UNFCCC as Principals in Public Climate Finance Implementation” by Kirstin Herbst
Campus Monthly Round-Up
Editor’s Pick
Rural Inventions: The French Countryside After 1945 by Sarah Farmer
#futuregen. Lessons from a Small Country by Jane Davidson
Published on November 10, 2020