Issue 10 | September 2017

A Special Feature on Tourism: People, Places & Mobilities
“A Transnational Place-based Label for the ‘Glocal Village’” by Hélène B. Ducros
“Europe and Island Tourism” by Godfrey Baldacchino
“Moroccan Roads that Start in Europe: ‘insha’allah’ Timespaces of Summer Holidays” by Lauren Wagner
“Places with a Disconcerting Past: Issues and Trends in Holocaust Tourism” by Rudi Hartmann
“Part-time Work, Full-time Commitment: Casualization of Employment in the Irish Hospitality Sector” by Alicja Bobek and James Wickham
“What Germany Can Teach America Ӱɴý History” by Morten Høi Jensen
“Lviv in Wartime” by John Lindner
“The EU as a Security Actor: The State of the Play” by Fulvio Attinà
“Ten Years After Romania’s Entry into the EU” by Aura Socol
“My Father’s Eye” by Theophilus Kwek and Daniel Kwek
“A Fact of Survival” by Mina Hamedi
The Borders Project
(Poetry) “Frontierspeople” by Dijala Hasanbegović, translated from the B/C/S by Mirza Purić
(Poetry) “Three Quarters of the Way Through the Poem” by Melanie Jordan
(Fiction) “Prague-Berlin Train” by Stacy Mattingly
Backpack Ambassadors: How Youth Travel Integrated Europe, reviewed by Bethany Hicks
Centre Pompidou Renzo Piano, Richard Rogers, and the Making of a Modern Monument, reviewed by Leslie Sklair
Island Landscapes: An Expression of European Culture, reviewed by Stephen Royle
The Demon of Geopolitics: How Karl Haushofer “Educated” Hitler and Hess, reviewed by Catherine Epstein
Living Faithfully in an Unjust World: Compassionate Care in Russia, reviewed by Tomas Antero Matza
Cinéma Militant: Political Filmmaking & May 1968, reviewed by Joseph Palis
Tonic to the Nation: Making English Music in the Festival of Britain, reviewed by Nicholas Clark
“Encountering Light and Dark in Tourism: An Interview with Tim Edensor,” by Hélène B. Ducros
“U.S.-E.U. Relations in the Face of Brexit and Trump: An Interview with Joseph Grieco,” by Daniela Irrera
Visual Art
Editor’s Pick