Issue 11 | October 2017

A Special Feature on Governing the Migration Crisis
“Comparing Europe’s Recent Reaction to Boat Refugees Across Time and Space” by Irial Glynn
“What Prospects for Change to Achieve a Sustainable EU Migration Policy?” by Elif Çetin
“At the Mercy of Global Interests: Reflections on Nativism and Conspiratorialism in Italy” by Antonio Sorge
“Notions of Solidarity in Europe’s Migration Crisis: The Case of Germany’s Media Discourse” by Stefan Wallaschek
“Academic Mobility in Europe and its Transformative Potential” by Liudmila Kirpitchenko
Excerpt from Go, Went, Gone by Jenny Erpenbeck, translated from the German by Susan Bernofsky
Excerpt from Belladonna by Daša Drndic, translated from the Croatian by Celia Hawkesworth
“Dignified Kiss of Paris Streets” from North Station by Bae Suah, translated from the Korean by Deborah Smith
Excerpt from The Endless Summer by Madame Nielsen, translated from the Danish by Gaye Kynoch
The Borders Project
(Fiction) “Paper Cuts” by Matea Å imić, translated from the B/C/S by Mirza Purić
(Nonfiction) “Invisible Bumps” by Rachael Maddux
What is a Refugee? reviewed by Alexander Sager
Migration, Memory, and Diversity: Germany from 1945 to the Present, reviewed by Lauren Stokes
The Young Victims of the Nazi Regime Migration, the Holocaust and Postwar Displacement, reviewed by Paula Fass
Familiar Stranger: A Life Between Two Islands, reviewed by Graeme Turner
EurAfrican Borders and Migration Management Political Cultures, Contested Spaces, and Ordinary Lives, reviewed by Stephanie Maher
Seawomen of Iceland: Survival on the Edge, reviewed by Jane Nadel-Klein
Visual Art
Editor’s Pick