Issue 13 | December 2017

A Special Feature on Contemporary Bulgarian Literature
(Fiction) An excerpt from The Same Night Awaits Us All by Hristo Karastoyanov, translated from the Bulgarian by Izidora Angel
(Fiction) “O, Henry!” byGeorgi Gospodinov, translated from the Bulgarian by Angela Rodel
(Fiction) “Gollum and I” by Elena Alexieva
(Nonfiction) “Roller Skates” by Dimitar “Shosho” Kotzev, translated from the Bulgarian by Ekaterina Petrova
(Poetry) “Two Poems” by Elitza Kotzeva
(Poetry) “Six Poems” by Ivan Hristov, translated from the Bulgarian by Angela Rodel
A Special Feature on Diversity, Security, Mobility: Challenges for Eastern Europe
“Between Humanitarianism and Security: Displacement in a Perilous State of Exception” by James Fitzgerald
“Kaliningrad Oblast and Challenges to the Baltic Sea Region” by Sergey Sukhankin
“Russia’s ‘Myth’ of Equality in a Securitized Context” by Federica Prina
“Good Europeans or Poor Relations? Transnational Minority Activism in the Age of European Integration” by Marina Germane
“Securitizations of Identities” by Ana Ivasiuc
“Securitizing the Unknown Borderlands: Czechoslovak Subcarpathian Rus and Its Minorities” by Sebastian Paul
TV Socialism,reviewed byStefan Zimmerman
A Difficult Death: The Life and Work of Jens Peter Jacobsen, reviewed byMarianne Stecher
Das Charisma der Weltrevolution. Revolutionärer Internationalismus in der frühen Sowjetgesellschaft 1917-1927, reviewed by Theodore Weeks
American Girls in Red Russia: Chasing the Dream, reviewed by Samantha Lomb
Russian History Through the Senses From 1700 to the Present, reviewed by Steven Marks
Near Abroad: Putin, the West and the Contest Over Ukraine and the Caucasus,reviewed byTor Bukkvoll
Cold War Energy: A Transnational History of Soviet Oil and Gas, reviewed by Nick Ostrum
Friendship, Family, Revolution: Nikolai Charushin and a Generation of Populists of the 1870s, reviewed byAleksandr Iakovlevich Gudov
Disrupted Landscapes: State, Peasants and the Politics of Land in Postsocialist Romania, reviewed byGeorgeta Connor
The Eurasian Wheat Belt and Food Security Global and Regional Aspects, reviewed byJudith Pallot
“Forging Cultural Centers: An Interview with Lora Tchekoratova and Milena Deleva,” by Lillian Klein
“Minorities, Diversities, and Securities: An Interview with Peter Haslinger,” by Lillian Klein
Visual Art
The Green Hand and Other Stories by Nicole Claveloux, translated from the French byDonald Nicholson-Smith
Three Plastic Rooms by Petra Hůlová, translated from the Czech by Alex Zucker
The Borders Project
(Fiction) “You’ll Be Me” byNeđla Ćemanović
(Poetry) “Anorexic Safety of Public Transport” by Nermana Česko, translated from the B/C/S byMirza Purić
(Nonfiction) “Yankee Messiah” bySuzanne Mozes
Editor’s Pick
The Struggle for Cataloniaby Raphael Minder
The Reformer: How One Liberal Fought to Preempt the Russian Revolutionby Stephen Williams
A Cold Welcome: The Little Ice Age and Europe’s Encounter with North Americaby Sam White
The Maritime Turn in EU Foreign and Security Policies: Aims, Actors and Mechanisms of Integrationby Marianne Riddervold
Campus Spotlight: Columbia University
“Launching the Roma People’s Project at Columbia University” byCristiana Grigore
“A Digital Space to Imagine What is Possible: An Interview with Frances Negrón-Muntaner” byCristiana Grigore
“On Criminalized Identities and Empowering Marginalized Communities:An Interview with Geraldine Downey” byCristiana Grigore