Issue 4 | February 2017

A Special Feature on Forced Migration, CulturalIdentity, and Trauma
“Confronting the Terrorist/Refugee Narrative” byJames Fitzgerald
“Refugee Mental Health Through the Lens of Neuroscience and Genetics” by Turhan Canli
“The ‘In Defense of National Identity’ Argument: Comparing the UK and Hungarian Referendums of 2016”by Eamonn Butler
“Trump Against Europe” byMorten Høi Jensen
“Untranslated Fire: Francophone Responses to the Charlie HebdoAttacks” byArturo Desimone
Excerpt from DzԳپby Can Xue, translated from the Chinese by
Excerpt from The White Cityby Karoline Ramqvist, translated from the Swedish by Saskia Vogel
Excerpt fromThe Magician of Vienna by Sergio Pitol, translated from the Spanishby George Henson
Prosopopoeia,reviewed byPoupeh Missaghi
Metropolitan Preoccupations: The Spatial Politics of Squatting in Berlin,reviewed byFabian Frenzel
British Urban Trees: A Social and Cultural History, C.1800-1944,reviewed by Peter Clark
Divided Subjects, Invisible Borders, reviewed by Samantha Fox
“Forced Migration and Displacement: An Interview with Maria Höhn”by Mount Saint Mary College
Visual Art
Campus Spotlight: University of Kansas
“University of Kansas Offers First-Year Seminar on World War I” byDale Urie
“World War I American Immigrant Poetry: A Digital Humanities Project” byLorie A. Vanchena
“The University of Kansas Commemorates World War I Centennial” by Lorie A. Vanchena
Editor’s Pick
The Courtesan and the Gigolo: The Murders in the Rue Montaigne and the Dark Side of Empire in Nineteenth-century ParisbyAaron Freundschuh
Violent Borders: Refugees and the Right to Moveby Reese Jones
The EU and the World: Players and Policies Post-Lisbon by Antonio Missiroli
Exploring the EU’s Legitimacy Crisis: The Dark Heart of Europe by Christian Schweiger