Issue 42 | July 2021

“Europe’s Pandemic Failure” by Stuart MacKintosh
“Querdenker, Querfront, and QAnon: On the German Far Right and Its American Occupation” by Joseph Keady
Visual Art
Book Reviews
The Inheritance, reviewed by Caroline DeVane
Of Sex and Sects: Environmentalism in Contemporary French Literature, reviewed by Chloé Vettier
Against the Avant-Garde: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Contemporary Art, and Neocapitalism, reviewed by Alessandro Giammei
Rereading Huizinga: Autumn of the Middle Ages, a Century Later, reviewed by Elizabeth Rice Mattison
Husserl and the Idea of Europe: Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, reviewed by Boris Pantev
“Relational and Reparative Pedagogies: An Interview with Benjamin Hagen” by William Bowden
Syllabus “Europe Today: Transformation and Selective Remembering of Europe’s History since 1945” by Elke Segelcke
Campus Monthly Round-Up
Editor’s Pick
Hoarding Memory: Covering the Wounds of the Algerian War by Amy L. Hubbell
Café Europa Revisited: How to Survive Post-Communism by Slavenka Drakulić
Virtual Play and the Victorian Novel: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Fictional Experience by Timothy Gao
Published on July 29, 2021