Issue 46 | February 2022

“Globalization in Modern English Literature and its Medieval Roots: A Comparative Literature Approach” by Christene d’Anca
“The Externalization of Border Control and the Dynamism between the European Center and the European Peripheries” by Isabel Hilpert
“How Climate Change and Migration Cascade in the EU” by Barbora Šedová and Lisa Thalheimer
“Hitchhiking Imperialism and Norway in World Literature” by Michele Chinitz
“People’s Relationship with Livestock Slaughter in Contemporary France” by Félix Jourdan
“The Quest for Stewardship in the Digital Age” by Thomas Henökl
Visual Art
A Strange Woman by Leylâ Erbil, translated from the Turkish by Nermin Menemencioğlu
Brothers and Ghosts by Khuê Phạm, translated by Imogen Taylor and Daryl Lindsey
Book Reviews
ϳܲ,reviewed by Jessie Hennen
Democracy, Nazi Trials, and Transitional Justice in Germany, 1945–1950, reviewed by Douglas Morris
Guilty Pleasures: European Audiences and Contemporary Hollywood Romantic Comedy, reviewed by Hayden Bytheway
䲹ܲSpotlight: Princeton University
Introduction by Luke Forrester Johnson
“Institutionalizing Interdisciplinarity in the Contemporary University: An Interview with Christy Wampole” by Luke Forrester Johnson
“The History and Future of Childhood: Representing Children in Late Third Republic France (1900–1940)” by Hannah Stamler
“Toward an Interdisciplinary Conceptual History of Catastrophe” by Jonathon Caitlin
“Continuities of the Discontinuous: Mathematics and Humanism in Mid-century Germany” by William Stewart
“Syllabus: Premodernism” by Andrew Cole and Brooke Holmes
Campus Monthly Round-Up
Editor’s Pick
Love for Sale: Representing Prostitution in Imperial Russia by Colleen Lucey
Luchino Visconti and the Alchemy of Adaptation by Brendan Hennessey
Dogopolis: How Dogs and Humans Made Modern New York, London, and Paris by Chris Pearson