ISSUE 58 | August 2024

“Making Sense of ErdoÄŸan’s Immigration and Naturalization Policies Amidst Turkey’s Migrant and Economic Crises” by Metehan Tekinırk and Dylan Irons
“With/Out Place: Negotiating Belonging Through Art in Post-Yugoslav Europe” by Lora Sariaslan and Claske Vos
“The Psychotic World in ‘Beau is Afraid’ Through the Prism of Modern European Psychoanalysis” by Veronika Ichetkina
“Political and Criminal Charges in Soviet Karelia During the Great Terror” by Oksana Ermolaeva
“Taking Stock of the European Parliamentary Elections for the Future of EU-China Relations” by Nicole Scicluna
“European Union Parliament Elections: Implications for National and Linguistic Minorities” by Craig Willis and David Smith
“Thinking the Future of Agrifood Policy in Light of the EU Parliament Elections” by Alan Matthews
“Europe Made the World and Vice Versa: Toward a Global History of Europe” by Pierre Haroche
Visual Art
The Singularity by Dino Buzzatti, translated from the Italian by Anne Milano Appel
Jellyfish Have No Ears by Adèle Rosenfeld, translated from the French by Jeffrey Zuckerman
Book Reviews
Gone Girls, 1684-1901: Flights of Feminist Resistance in the Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Novel, reviewed by Brianna Beehler
Lo Stadio di Wimbledon, reviewed by Anne Milano Appel
NATO and the Russian War in Ukraine: Strategic Integration and Military Interoperability, reviewed by Abraham Boxhoorn
Reenacting the Enemy: Collective Memory Construction in Russian and US Memory, reviewed by Henry Carey
“When Students Rethink the Transatlantic Alliance” by Victoria Harms
“The Habilitation Degree: A European Academic Custom” by Tomasz Kamusella
Campus Round-Up
Editor’s Pick
Enlightenment Biopolitics: A History of Race, Eugenics, and the Making of Citizens by William Max Nelson
Your Little Matter by Maria Grazia Calandrone (translated by Antonella Lettieri)
Italian Forgers: The Art Market and the Weight of the Past in Modern Italy by Carol Helstosky
Deals mit Diktaturen: Eine andere Geschichte der Bundesrepublik by Frank Bösch
Ostblock: Putin, Kickl und ihre ÖVP by Peter Pilz
Cover image: Esther Shalev-Gerz
Cover design: Hélène B. Ducros