Issue 12 | November 2017

A Special Feature on The Crises of European Integration
“Why Europe Needs Political Economy” byÌýGregory W. Fuller
“Political Economy on TARGET” byÌýWaltraud Schelkle
“EMU and Democracy in the Eurozone Crisis: A Political Economy Perspective” byÌýAlexandros Kyriakidis
“The Accidental Keynesian: How Refugee Spending in Sweden Challenged Austerity, Put the Local Fiscal Houses In Order and Proved Beneficial to All” by Peo Hansen
“The City is in Ruins” by Salvatore Settis
“Towards a History of ‘Philosemitic’ Europe Since 1945” by G. Daniel Cohen
Excerpt fromÌýOld Rendering Plant by Wolfgang Hilbig Translated from German by Isabel Fargo Cole
Excerpt from The Kites by Romain Gary, translated from the French by Miranda Richmond Mouillot
Excerpt fromÌýVoices in the Dark byÌýUlli Lust
The Borders Project
(Fiction) “Of Card Games and Kisses” by Daniela Valenta
(Nonfiction) “Once Upon a Time in Ikea” by Kate Tuttle
(Fiction) “Registration” by NaidaÌýAvdović, translated from the B/C/S by Mirza Purić
Charlemagne,Ìýreviewed byÌýCarey Fleiner
From Convergence to Crisis: Labor Markets and the Instability of the Euro,Ìýreviewed by Ari Ray
The European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy Reforms Towards a Critical Realist Approach, reviewed by Alan Renwick
The European Union’s Fight Against Terrorism: Discourses, Policies, Identity , reviewed byÌýAlessandra Russo
Berlin Rules: Europe and the German Way,ÌýreviewedÌýby Kurt Huebner
Visual Art
Editor’s Pick
The House of Government: A Saga of the Russian Revolution by Yuri Slezkine
The Experiment: Georgia’s Forgotten Revolution 1918-1921Ìýby Eric Lee
Les relations villes/campagne: Histoire d’une question politique et scientifiqueÌýby Nicole Mathieu
European Union Enlargement and Integration CapacityÌýbyÌýTanja Börzel,ÌýAntoaneta L. Dimitrova,ÌýFrank Schimmelfennig
Campus Spotlight: Boston University